Sunday, 24 January 2016

Project 12 - Yellow framed afghan

Size: 113cm x 80cm

I like these squares, as they're just a little different from a regular pattern, which I think adds more interest.

Project 11 - Dark Blue Rug

Size: 86cm x 88cm

I love the design of this, although I got a bit bored finishing it off.  The wool is lovely, really soft.

Project 10 - Coloured Afghan

These pics were taken fairly quickly as I wanted to give the rug to my mum (who was visiting). Not my greatest rug, but its a good size and it used a lot of 'odd' balls of wool that were left over from other projects.

Project 9 - Light Blue Rug

This rug was made with donated wool, it was a cotton mix, which I didn't particularly like - it's a bit stiff for a baby rug, but it came out nicely.  It was donated to the hospital for sale at their regular stall.

Sorry, the white balance is out (again) on my camera!