Thursday, 16 March 2017

Project 18 - Using some donated wool

This wool came from the ladies at the Shellharbour Ladies Auxilary, it's always difficult to know what designs to use - as most balls are different ply and/or different dye lots.  I'm pretty happy with both of them, although they're a little small.  I imagine them being used for lap rugs in aged care.

What's in my craft bag?
Corner and edging - I think it looks smart.

Whole rug on my floor. You can see the different colours more obviously here.

What would my post be without at least one shot with Pierre... 
Whoops. I ran out of the maroon, pink and grey and the rug was still too small, so I used some spare white at both edges to make it bigger.  In hindsight I should have used white throughout, but I think it looks kind of OK.

I'm back making some baby blankets with purchased wool now, and should have more to show you soon!

Oh BTW, I've started a Facebook page, drop by and like my page! Love to see any projects you're working on there...